Came as part of a set and adds to the fun!
This is a great product for both tactile toe grip as well as playing hacky sack. My 9 year old son and I have had some really fun hacky sack games. Thank you
My 18 year old twins and I are having fun playing...I found out my toes are way better at gripping :)
Love my little hacky sack! Why? It means exercise is fun and therefore I have much more motivation to keep going. It is squishy like a bean bag, only a little bigger than a golf ball, not going to do any damage inside. Throw if around to improve coordination, try to pick it up with your toes (a real challenge). Love it!
Initially I found it really hard to flick and catch my Hacky sack! I’m still not great at it but it is fun to do a little bit every day and I am definitely getting better at it! It’s going to be a challenge to pick it up with my toes but even here I can feel my toes getting more flexible and stronger.